Antonio Valenzuela Gutiérrez

foto antonio valenzuela

About me

My research career has been linked to the development of Innovative Methodologies and Techniques for Environmental Applications, and the implementation of Advanced and Pioneer Aerosol Characterization tools such as cavity ring-down spectrometer for single levitated nanoparticles with optical and electrodynamic traps. After obtaining a 5-year degree in Physics in 2009 I joined the Granada Atmospheric Physics Group at the University of Granada (UGR) where I completed a successful PhD in 2013 covered various aspect concerning the aerosol radiative properties during desert dust intrusion. During my PhD, I performed a 3-month stay in a well-known research center in University of Vienna (Austria) at the Faculty of Physics in the Aerosol and Environment Physics department under the supervision of Prof. Helmuth Horvath. Thanks to this research stay I had the opportunity to work and stablish network first time with International Institutions. This allowed me to enrich my understanding of the behavior of aerosol on different ambient.

I have held 4 postdoctoral position: During 2013-2015 I secured a postdoctoral fellowship at the UGR to extend my PhD research line. In 2015 I was awarded a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Evora (Portugal) to lead my own research project with Prof. M. J. Costa. During 2016-2018 I was awarded with a highly competitive Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship at the University of Bristol (UK) with Prof. J. P. Reid. I gained experience manipulating and levitating single nanoparticles and achieved promised relevant results. In September 2018 I was awarded with a second Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship within Athenea3i, a H2020-MSCA-COFUND program which focuses on attracting highly talented researchers to the UGR. This fellowship is an opportunity to transfer knowledge to GFAT. The two Marie Curie fellowships are proof of my independence as a researcher and I can raise research funding. Currently, I am PhD Visiting Senior Research Associate in the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Aerosol Science (CDT) at the University of Bristol (UK). The CDT is participated by the Universities of Cambridge, Bristol, Bath, Manchester, Leeds and the Imperial College London. In November 2018 I was awarded a “Juan de la Cierva-Incorporacion” fellowship that I declined in favor of the MSCA Athenea3i.

My work resulted in 29 papers, 7 chapters in books, 40 contributions to conferences/ workshops/seminars (2 as invites speaker). I organized an international and a national conference. I participated in 11 international projects (In 3 of them as PI). I supervised 1 graduate student, 1 postdoctoral researcher and co-supervised 1 PhD student. I have been coordinator of Innovation teaching project. I was award with two prizes (the best PhD Thesis by the Committee of RICTA and the extraordinary doctorate prize by the UGR).