UGR Station
Located in the city of Granada (37.16ºN, 3.61ºW, 680 m asl), a medium-sized non-industrialised city (> 500k inhabitants, including metropolitan area) surrounded by high mountains (1000 to 3398 m asl), and 50km from the Mediterranean coast.
The station combines long-term monitoring of the vertical distribution of atmospheric aerosol with in-situ measurements for aerosol particle characterisation, as well as cloud, solar and atmospheric radiation monitoring at different spectral ranges.
Cerro Poyos (CP) and Sierra Nevada (SNS) Stations
Cerro Poyos (CP) in the Sierra Nevada mountains (37.11ºN, 3.49ºW, 1830 m asl) and the Sierra Nevada Station (SNS) (37.10ºN, 3.39ºW, 2500 m asl), both located about 20km from the UGR station.
These stations offer a unique opportunity to combine remote vertical sounding of the atmospheric column from the UGR station with in-situ measurements at different altitudes on the slopes of the Sierra Nevada at different spectral ranges.
■ More information about Cerro poyos y Sierra Nevada stations
Aerosol Spectroscopy Laboratory
Located at the UGR station, the laboratory is designed for the analysis of basic properties of aerosol particles.
■ More information about the aerosol spectroscopy laboratory
Mobile Atmospheric Observation Station
The Mobile Atmospheric Observation Station is a truck-mounted station that measures pollutant gases, particles, and meteorological conditions. It includes analyzers for gases like NOx and CO, particle monitors, and a meteorological tower for variables such as temperature and wind. It is equipped with energy and safety systems, allowing it to operate autonomously in different locations to analyze air quality.
■ More information about the Mobile Atmospheric Observation Station
Equipment and Image Gallery
See a summary of measurements available at AGORA, following ACTRIS components classification.
- Lucas Alados Arboledas
- Director del Grupo de investigación
- Email: @email