Project Name | Period realization | More information |
Deep Learning for Atmospheric Components Classification and Aerosol Typing using Remote Sensing Measurements (DeepAtmo) | 2024-2027 | Website |
Fortaleciendo la investigación y formación en el ámbito atmosférico del Valle de La Paz y del Valle de Aburrá (CAMOMILA) | 2024-2025 | Website |
Avanzando en la Alta Resolución Vertical y Temporal de Vapor de Agua y Temperatura en la Troposfera y Estratosfera Baja en el Sureste de la Península Ibérica (VERTAS) | 2024-2026 | Website |
Assessment of EarthCare Aerosol and Cloud Products through Ground-Based Measurements from the E-PROFILE and AERONET Networks (AEROCLOUD) | 2023-2026 | Website |
Cloud understanding and tracking for wheather and climate (CLOUDWATCH) | 2023-2026 | Website |
ApliCação de deep learnIng na epidemiologia Paisagística utilizando dados do DataSUS para previsão e análise espacial de dOenças endêmicas e crônicas não transmissíveis no BRAsil (CAIPORA) | 2023-2025 | Website |
Sensoriamento Remoto Atmosfera - Validação da Missão EarthCARE | 2023-2026 | Website |
Developments of the Generalized Retrieval of Atmospheric and Surface Properties for the synergy of different satellites and ground-based networks: Advances in atmosphere and surface characterizations | 2023-2027 | |
Greenhouse and aerosols between atmosphere and ecosystem in drylands: remote sensing and Eddy covariance techniques | 2021-2025 | |
Biodiversity vulnerability and climate services in Iberian alpine communities in mountain National Parks | 2021-2024 | Website |
Multi-instrumental approach to quantify the aerosol-cloud interactions and its impact on climate (MULHACEN) | 2022-2025 | Website |
Improving the atmospheric aerosol monitoring on a continental-scale by the synergy of passive and active remote sensing techniques (AEROMOST) | 2023-2025 | Website |
Regionalized decadal climate prediction for the Iberian Peninsula: extreme events and user-oriented variables (PRECLIMDEX) | 2022-2026 | Website |
Towards a comprehensive understanding of the impact of natural aerosols on clouds (NUCLEUS) | 2022-2025 | Website |
Using ARM Data to Understand the Impact of New Particle Formation on Cloud Condensation Nuclei Concentration on Different Environments | 2022-2025 | Website |
UGR Singular Advance Technologies Laboratory. AGORA - [Andalusian] Global Observatory of the Atmosphere | 2022-2027 | Website |
Integrated monitoring of the complex greenhouse gases and aerosol particle exchanges between atmosphere, ecosystem and vadose zone in drylands. (INTEGRATYON3) | 2021-2025 | Website |
Solutions for Sustainable Access to Atmospheric Research Facilities ATMO ACCESS | 2021-2025 | Website |
Exploring aerosol-cloud interaction in the atmospheric column through advanced remote sensing techniques (ELPIS ) | 2021-2024 | Website |
Development of GRASP radiative transfer code for the retrieval of aerosol microphysics vertical profiles from space measurements and its impact in ACE mission. (GRASP-ACE) | 2018-2023 | Website |
Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research Infrastructure Implementation Project. ( ACTRIS IMP ) | 2020-2023 | Website |
Advances in the study of radiation scattering and absorption in non-spherical particles in support of air quality programs and remote sensing techniques (ADAPNE). | 2021-2023 | Website |
Deciphering the role of 3D meteorology as an influencing agent on surface pollen levels (DEM3TRIOS) | 2021-2023 | Website |
Characterization of atmospheric processes through remote sensing and simulation: applications to renewable energies, air quality and hydrological cycle | 2021-2023 | Website |
Continuous Monitoring of Polluting Trace Gases in the Atmosphere (MOGATRACO) | 2021-2023 | Website |
Thematic center on mountain ecosystems and remote sensing, deep learning-artificial intelligence, e-services of the University of Granada - Sierra Nevada | 2019-2023 | Website |
Impacts of climate change on extreme precipitation events in Andalusia through high resolution regional modeling. Evaluation of land-atmosphere feedbacks. (CLIMEX) | 2021-2023 | Website |
Regional-scale drought conditions in Andalusia: from current status to future projections. (SEQUIAN) | 2020-2023 | Website |
Analysis and Modeling of Aerosol Impact on Clouds and Precipitation (AEROPRE) | 2020-2023 | Website |
Completed Projects | Visit |