Juan Antonio Bravo Aranda

foto juan antonio bravo aranda

  • PhD. Marie Curie Cofund Researcher - Athenea3i programme. Atmospheric-Physic Research Group (GFAT). Andalusian Institute for Earth System Research. University of Granada
  • Phone: +34 958 249745
  • Email: @email
  • POLARICE Twitter: @polarice_ugr
  • POLARICE Website: http://wpd.ugr.es/~polarice/wordpress/

About me

J.A. Bravo-Aranda started his PhD in 2009 at Universidad of Granada (UGR) with a predoctoral fellowship funded by the University of Granada (1 year) and then a national FPU predoctoral fellowship —obtained through a national competitive process— from 2010. He performed 2 PhD. research stays at the Ludwig-Maximiliam Universität (Germany) and the Romanian Atmospheric 3D Observatory (Rumania) in 2012 and 2013, respectively.

During the predoctoral period, he was awarded with the Best Poster Prize in RICTA2013 and the Excellence Prize in the ITARS Summer School in 2013. He also gained teaching experience as a lecturer at the University of Granada (2 BSc-subjects) and as supervisor of a Ms. these. He obtained his European Ph.D. with the highest level (cum-laude per unanimity) on 2014 and the certificate 'Contratado Doctor’ on 2015. As a first post-doc position, he had a research contract at UGR (Dec. 2014-Jan. 2015). He worked as postdoc in the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France), funded by the ICOS-INWIRE (2015) and by the ACTRIS-2 (2016) —both European project—. On 2017, he worked as researcher hired by the École Polytechnique (France).

Currently, he is hired by the University of Granada to continue his research on lidar and rada applications on aerosol-cloud interaction. The researcher has performed a postdoc research stay at the Center of Optics and Photonics (Chile) gaining himself a SANTANDER grant through a national competitive process. He has taken part in 16 research funded international/national projects in Spain and France. During his postdoctoral period, he has also gained teaching experience in foreign languages (English and French) as a lecturer at the École Polytechnique. The researcher was PI of a Marie Curie Cofund project named POLARICE until 2021. Currently, he is associate professor in the University of Granada.

Contact: @email