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About me
Lucas Alados-Arboledas, LAA, is Professor in Applied Physics at the Sciences Faculty of the University of Granada, developing his research activity in the Andalusian Research Institute for the Earth System (IISTA). LAA develops his teaching activity at the degree level in the Atmospheric Physics Course in the Degree in Physics. Furthermore, he develops an active role in different courses included in the Master in Geophysics and Meteorology, GEOMET. During the last years, he has supervised different TFM and TFG focused on atmospheric studies.
LAA is mainly interested in atmospheric aerosol/cloud characterization using ground based remote sensing observations (passive and active remote sensing techniques) and in-situ techniques. Specifically: (i) Aerosol characterization, aerosol radiative impacts, aerosol-cloud interaction and climatic role, (ii) Ground-based active and passive remote sensing techniques for the retrieval of the atmospheric composition, (iii) Inversion methods for the retrieval of optical and microphysical aerosol and cloud properties, (iv) Link between in-situ and remote sensing retrievals of atmospheric aerosol properties and (v) Validation of aerosol-related space-borne products using ground based measurements.
LAA has been PI of 23 competitive projects funded by different programs like H2020, National Plan of R+D+i, Andalucía Regional Government, Marie-Curie Action and have participated in 14 additional research projects. LAA has organized different international research campaigns. He has more than 240 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, co-authored with researcher of a larger number of national and international institutions. His work received more than 7800 citations (h index = 50) by around 4300 documents. He co-chaired the European Aerosol Conference (2012), being a member of the conference steering committee, conference organization committee, conference program committee and co-editor of the proceedings. LAA participates in ACTRIS-ERIC that will be set up along this year as one of the ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) in the ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) program. At present he is member of the ACTRIS Interim Research Infrastructure Committee. He contributes actively to EARLINET, AERONET, CLOUDNET networks. These activities imply the collaboration with scientist in the atmospheric field of the major research organizations at European level. He collaborates actively with LALINET and the Latin-American researchers in the field of aerosol lidar.
LAA has been a supervisor of 20 PhD thesis (including co-tutoring with USP Brazil) and more than 20 MSc thesis. He is a member of the editorial board of Atmospheric Research Journal (IF = 4.114) and of Remote Sensing Journal (IF: 4.118). He has been member of the editorial board of Aerosol and Air Quality Research from 2009 to 2015. He has been an active reviewer in 25 scientific Journals.
LAA is Director of the Andalusian Research Institute for the Earth System since 2017 and PI of the Atmospheric Physics Group (GFAT) of the IISTA research center. GFAT develops its activity in the frame of ACTRIS with strong cooperation with AERONET and LALINET networks. His lidar related activities have been acknowledged by the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET), which has elected LAA as a council member for the period 2012-2016 and re-elected for a new period 2016-2020. He is member of the council of the Asociación Española de Ciencia y Tecnología de Aerosoles (AECTA). He has been co-chair of the EAA's working group "Atmospheric Aerosols" since 2009. Since 2017 till 2021 he cooperated with the Agencia Estatal de Investigación in the management of the Research Projects Program on Atmosphere and Climate. LAA has been Project’s Evaluator of different institutions: Academy of Finland (2008, 2012, 2017), Swiss Science Fundation (2017), University of Hong Kong(2008), FP7 EU (ENV.2008., 2008), Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva (ANEP), Programas Nacionales de Investigación (2015). LAA has been Chair European Lidar Conference, ELC2020 (Granada, online) (October 2020), ELC2021 (Granada, hybrid format) and Member of the management committee of PROBE Cost Action and Member of the management committee of COLOSSAL Cost Action.