Sonia Raquel Gámiz Fortis

foto sonia raquel gamiz fortis

About me

Sonia Raquel Gámiz Fortis is Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Physics of the University of Granada since 2012. She received her M.S. in Physical Sciences in this University in 1998. In 1999 she joined the Atmospheric Physics Group of this University, obtaining her Ph.D. in Physics in 2003.

She has collaborated regularly and full time in the teaching of different Degrees (Physics, Biology, Environmental Sciences and Edification) of the University of Granada since 2001, and in several subjects of the Master in Geophysical and Meteorology (GEOMET), since 2008. Currently she is involved in the teaching of the General Physics I and Atmospheric Physics in the Physics Degree, Meteorology and Climatology in the Degree of Environmental Sciences, and Advance Physics Meteorology, and Climatology and Climate Change in GEOMET Master. Also, she has participated in several innovative teaching projects, being the Principal Investigator in one of them.

Her research is focused in the study and analysis of the climate variability and the climate change, in the Earth Physic area. She has participated in several research projects related with the seasonal forecast of the climate and impacts of climate change, mainly focused, during the last years, to the study of the projected changes on water resources, in different regions of the world. In these research lines she has co-authored numerously sciences publications. For more information on her research projects and publications, please visit the UGR research page.