ATMO-ACCESS is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, aimed to investigate the most suitable mechanisms that could lead to the sustainable provision of access to atmospheric research infrastructures. The University of Granada participates in this project through the Andalusian Global ObseRvatory of the Atmosphere (AGORA), operated by the Group of Atmospheric Physics (GFAT) at the Andalusian Institute for Earth System Research (IISTA).
In this site, you will find information about Trans-national Access Calls and General Services provided at AGORA Observational Platform.
Trans-National Access Calls
This call is addressed to young and senior researchers and technicians, research teams and technological companies from outside Spain to establish bonds with AGORA facilities.
The main topics to be proposed are related to:
- aerosol-cloud interaction
- instrument testing and intercomparison campaigns
- young researchers/technicians training
- training for companies
- support for private innovation (aerosols in the industry)
Further information on topics, like type of access, availability, etc., can be found in Services.
Useful information about TNA application
In case you are interested to propose a experiment (physical or remote) at AGORA Observation Platform, please, contact us and let's discuss particulars of access and practicalities before submitting the official TNA application.
Potential interested users will be requested to write a short scientific project to be submitted to ATMO-ACCESS for an internal review (more details about the proposal submission will be provided as soon as they become available).
Accesses to AGORA facilities can be physical or remote. By physical access, users will actually access the requested AGORA facility for performing the proposed experiment. By a remote access, users can remotely access the instrumentations they shall install at requested AGORA facility, as well as the datasets produced by the AGORA instrumentation. It is also possible that users ship their instrumentations to AGORA facility. In this case, staff at AGORA will provide support for the management of the shipment.
TNA calls will be published on the ATMO-ACCESS website along with guidelines and forms for applicants. TNA opportunities will be widely advertised to reach all possible interested users, using different channels.
Incoming proposals will be checked for formal compliance with the EU regulations, logistical and technical feasibility and scientific relevance.
TNA providers also evaluate the feasibility of contributing in part to users' travel and subsistence (T&S) expenses, based on the users' cost estimates and the available budget allocated specifically for this. The opportunity/feasibility of supporting part of the user's T&S costs and the amount of the contribution will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
During the access, users shall count on:
- on-site assistance by the TNA provider, which includes the logistical, technological and scientific support and the specific training usually provided to external researchers using the infrastructure/installation.
- limited financial support for travel and subsistence, which is available to some extent upon request to the TNA provider. The amount and conditions of the financial contribution will be established by mutual agreement between the user and the TNA provider at the moment of arranging the visit. The TNA provider manages the refund according to its internal rules.
This is a great opportunity to create fruitful collaborations with AGORA. Embrace it!
TNA: @email