Continuous Monitoring of Polluting Trace Gases in the Atmosphere (MOGATRACO)



Project data:

  • Ref. B-RNM-524-UGR20
  • Realization: 01/07/2021 a 30/06/2023
  • Funding Agency: Proyectos I+D+i del Programa Operativo FEDER 2020. Junta de Andalucía
  • Principal Investigator: Inmaculada Foyo Moreno. Daniel Pérez Ramirez
  • Researchs: Inmaculada Alados Arboledas
  • Equipo de trabajo/Work team: Hassan Lyamani, Daniele Bortoli


The objective of this project is to continuous monitoring the trace gases from anthropogenic pollution (e.g. NO2, SO2, O3 and VOCs such as formaldehyde (HCHO)) in the urban metropolitan area of the city of Granada. We use a wide set of instruments and apply different methodologies. The project will contribute to the development of warning systems of extreme pollution events, propose effective solutions for the reduction of pollution and ultimately improve air quality. Therefore, the project implies large versatility by providing direct social and economic outputs.

For gases concentrations at surface we will use the more recent and advanced in-situ instrumentation while for studying column-integrated concentrations we will use remote sensing measurements (using differential absorption spectroscopy -DOAS- techniques) both from ground-based instrumentation and satellite. The combination of all these measurements will permit to study trace gases from different perspectives which will allow to have a whole picture of their impact on air-quality. In particular, the city of Granada is frequently affected ty episodes of strong pollution due to thermal inversions that do not permit appropriate circulation to clean the atmosphere. These inversions are more frequent in winter, although they are also reported in spring/summer seasons with Saharan dust outbreaks. In the project we have planned a field campaign in winter to study trace gases under these thermal inversions. During the campaign special equipment from the University of Evora (Portugal) for more accurate measurements, while special miniaturized instrumentation will be deployed in unmanned aerial vehicles for having a complete spatial representativity. All these combined measurements will permit to study how gas concentrations respond to atmospheric dynamics, identifying the causes and processes that contribute to extreme high pollution events. Moreover, during the project the innovative PANDORA instrument will be incorporated to the IISTA-CEAMA institute of the university of Granada, which will permit the institute to join to the global PANDONIA network hosted by ESA. The institute already participates in the REDIAM network of the regional government of Andalucía and joining to PANDONIA will make the institute a reference for air-quality studies.